Orders may be placed online at by calling 800.644.2400. The 15th Edition Manual is available for purchase in hard copy for $200 for AISC members and $400 for non-members. Many of the references are available from the AISC website, while others are linked to the outside organization where the publication can be accessed or purchased. A link is provided (where available) to the location where the listed publications can be obtained. The Interactive Reference List is a complete listing of all the references found in both the 2016 Specification and 15th Edition Manual. The "pocket" size of these cards allows them to be kept on your desk or in your field notebook for use in situations where the available strengths for members and connections are needed quickly. The Basic Design Values Cards present some of the most frequently used limit state equations for checking members and connections from the 2016 Specification in an abbreviated format. This resource provides a complete list of shapes recorded from 1873 to 2010. The new v15.0H Historic Shapes Database is updated with all dimensions and properties consistent with the 14th Edition Manual. All of the 96 new shapes added to the 15th Edition are now included in v15.0 along with several useful dimensions including the "T" dimension and "Workable Gage." The database now has a built-in Readme file that serves as the glossary for the database along with a complete list of improvements for v15.0. The v15.0 Shapes Database is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that compiles the dimensions and properties of all shapes printed in Part 1 of the 15th Edition Manual.
Aisc 14th edition complete packet update#
(PR 30095) In update status SDS/2 will allow users to indicate that all, or no, members should have their model complete status cleared. (PR 29706) Extended end plate connections are using correct edge distance to check bearing capacities. Also included in v15.0 are new design examples that outline the procedure for satisfying structural integrity requirements-but only when required by the building code-for common connection types. SDS/2 is printing connection design notes correctly for AISC 14th edition. The new version 15.0 offers several improvements over the previous version 14.2, including many new member design tables that supplement the Manual with additional material grades, including ASTM A913 Grades 65 and 70 W-shapes and ASTM A1085 HSS members. The v15.0 Design Examples contain more than 1,600 pages of examples and tables that illustrate using the provisions of the 2016 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and the 15th Edition Manual for designing members, connections and structural systems.
Aisc 14th edition complete packet for free#
All of these resources are available for free download at "The practicing engineer or student will find these updated resources of great value as design tools, references and learning tools in their day-to-day practice," notes Cynthia Duncan, AISC director of engineering. Included are the v15.0 Design Examples, v15.0 Shapes Database, v15.0H Historic Shapes Database, Basic Design Values Cards and Interactive Reference List. The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) is offering several new resources that complement the 15th Edition Steel Construction Manual, released this past summer.